Developmental Movement

Have you wondered about the relationship of movement to brain development? How about the relationship of psychological development to the physical enactment of each stage? How are emotion states reflected in body posture and patterns? How does movement affect our processing and perception? How can these patterns improve dance or sport or any movement skill?

Try this BrainDance sequence of developmental  progression and notice an increase physical and mental readiness.

I use the Bodynamic system to help individuals access resources through specif muscles that are linked to developmental tasks and issues. Many of the psychological patterns that plague us have root in development; the Bodynamic system teaches ways to use our bodies to change how we live in the world.

I also teach developmental patterns to support moving and thinking and use them to assess neuromuscular function. These sequences improve coordination, balance and movement; and support healing from traumatic brain injury or support integrated complex movement of any form or style.

As a progression developmental movement establishes the framework for our perception, our expression and our ability to engage in learning. This sequence of movement patterns unfolds from conception through infancy and childhood and is triggered by reflexes, desires and the challenges of our environment. The execution and integration of these patterns is integral to brain growth and overall development by laying down neuro sequences as we to respond to the environment. These developmental stages begin in utero and progress through to walking, and we continue to build movement skills that call on each of these patterns in our childhood and throughout our adult life.